Friday 26 December 2014


                                   WHY SHOULD DELHI VOTE FOR A. KEJRIWAL

Delhi Assembly election is scheduled in February (the announcement though, has not been yet made) Lot of talks and discussion are happening everywhere. People of Delhi are as confused as was the entire nation before the Lok-Sabha election of 2014 – who to vote. In Lok-Sabha elections, there were two big parties in the country with two separate agendas. Congress had been ruling for pretty long and somehow common people didn’t want to see this again as a ruling party. BJP, second largest party, was trying every bit of it to come into the power. There was no other option than to choose one of these two national parties (forget AAP here. It was too new a party to win enough seats). For oblivious reasons, Congress was out already and people were in dilemma whether to vote for BJP or not because some of its old religious agendas and few of its past controversial actions were not acceptable to the youth and a large section of minority group of the country.

The result of Lok-Sabha elections came out and it declared huge victory for BJP. It was historical. And, the party came into power with full majority. 

So my question is; what was the Secret Ingredient behind this huge success of BJP. Did it get all the benefits of anti-incumbency wave as people wanted to throw Congress out? Of course, that was a major help. But, apart from this, one of the major influences was Narendra Modi, Prime-minister candidate of BJP. He talked about the Country, poverty, growth and unity of the country. He talked about every positive aspect, any common citizen of any country expect from its leader. And, it surely hit the bulls-eye. 

People believed in the concept of great nation, Modi created. They believed Modi, not his party. They trusted him and gave the power in his hands despite their doubts in his party, BJP.
So I ask here, when on a nation level battle people chose a single leader over his party then why not people of Delhi are convinced enough to vote for Kejriwal. In the latest survey done by ABP NEWS – Nielson, Kejriwal, as the best choice of chief-minister, is leading ahead with 39% vote. So, if people are ready to take him as Chief-minister then why are they not agreeing to vote for his party as they did in Lok-Sabha elections?

The answer could be perhaps, Kejriwal is a taken as a common man who walks and talks just like a common man. And we, Indian have a bad habit to be impressed and go amazed at anything that is un-common, beyond our reach and seems superior to us. The same way we chose a typical Bollywood masala flick over a sensible and thought-provoking cinema with no big budget and big names. Any kind of hype works for us, Indians. And sometimes it makes us blind too.

Perhaps, because Kejriwal seems to the common people as one of them so it becomes hard to forgive him for his only mistake (Resigning from the CM’s post). That’s a different thing that people don’t mind other politicians involved in giant scams, murder charges, rape charges etc. People take Kejriwal as a man-next-door so they must punish him for his mistake as they do in their day-to-day-life. 

But, people now need to look in a broader way. In their heart, they all agree that Kejriwal is a true leader. Everybody knows he is honest, hard-working and willing to serve the people and make this state a better state. Then why his ideas are not hitting the people as it did at the time of Modi? People really really need to think that. 

Kejriwal, definitely deserves a second chance and people of Delhi should vote for him.

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