Monday, 15 December 2014



16-Dec-12 –It was a cold winter evening in the capital when a woman was murdered. Well, what is big deal about it; people die every day. And we, common people, know how to forget it very next day. Moreover, she was only a woman – a comparatively less-valued human being. But, what happened on that cold winter night was no ordinary murder.
A young woman was butchered; bit by bit, piece by piece. And, it destroyed a lot more than that we thought it did.
The wounds on the body were as deep as one could imagine and, it’s affect on the soul of every woman was severe beyond anything. It hit deepest on the womankind. An ugly, naked truth was revealed. And every woman of this country felt the coldness of being a woman: a creature which could be used, killed, raped and tortured just because men need to feel MEN, to show their authority and, to prove that they rule this world.  It shattered a coating of ‘Sharam and Haya’ covering women for centuries. The heart was filled with rage and with an emotion ready to destroy all barriers asking woman to be silent. Never have been women that scared or angry before.
A voice was raised; loud enough to make those heard having some hearing-aid problem. Women asked about their safety, about their existence, and moreover about what needs to be done now?  They raised questions – are they here just to be a slave, a mute sufferer who is not even allowed to talk about her sufferings?  Are they supposed to tolerate any nonsense on their body and their soul? And why? Because ‘ye to hota rahta h’. Because, if you are born as a woman you need to learn these rules to survive in men's world.
But, this was more than anything to be silent and to forget and to move on. That voice got louder.
Some rules were made but, to me, they seemed just an attempt to slow down that voice, just to fool the women that they care, that they are worried too, that they are serious to change this ugly, sick society. But, in reality they are not. It doesn’t matter much to them.
Rapes are happening every day and everywhere; no matter how many so called ‘precautions’ a woman takes. Nothing has changed. Not a single thing.
Two years later similar incident happens in the same city and slaps hard on every woman’s face. So, this is where we stand after so many efforts.
Has anything really changed over these two years?
The law merely facilitates, it does not change society or gender inequalities. Society needs to make some serious and concrete improvements. But, perhaps this society doesn’t want to change. It feels more secure, and in control this way. But, now we, women, need to be adamant to change this system. Let’s not sit idle, hoping it will change automatically. Let’s not pretend anymore that we have power to tolerate everything. Let’s ask more questions, let’s raise our voices, let’s break the rule and let’s demand what is ours but, denied, let’s do what we want to do, not what we are told to.  Because, now we are fucking tired (sorry for the language) of listening advices and tired of taking any more ‘precautions’. Let’s tell the world we belong here too. This is our world too. 

And, let’s hope one day it will be a better society, a better country. Hopefully, one day, men will be better men.

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